You are connected to everything

Monday, March 14, 2022

How do you counter “existential angst”?  A direct way is to focus on your connection to everything.  You can’t see this connection with your eyes.  You must infer it based on scientific reasoning and remember it repeatedly. 

If you only focus on your own thoughts and feelings inside your body/head, you cannot reach beyond them.  You will be trapped inside a cycle of self-reinforcing drama. 

Einstein said that our sense of separateness from other things is due to an “optical delusion of our consciousness”.  What this means is that, from the perspective of particle physics, everything is connected.  Although we might perceive ourselves as individuals and the universe around us as an object outside of ourselves, this perception is flawed.

One way to help free yourself from this sense of separateness is by focusing on your awareness, your sense of presence in the body.  Take a few minutes to close your eyes.  Scan through the body from head to toe.  Notice how you feel that sense of presence, or aliveness.


 Felipe Jain, MD, is a psychiatrist and Director of Health Aging Studies at Mass General Hospital and on the faculty of Harvard Medical School.  His passion is to help people improve happiness through connection, and to help them reduce their stress, depression and anxiety. Read more. 


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